Helen Fospero is a trusted and familiar face on British TV. Best known for her sofa appearances on ITV’s GMTV and Lorraine programmes, Helen currently appears on The One Show on BBC1 and Helen is a regular in Dictionary Corner on Channel 4’s Countdown along with two other Great British Speakers artistes Rachel Riley and Susie Dent
Helen is an experienced and well-liked facilitator and host for corporate events. Recent clients include Rolls Royce, TransCity Rail and Hyundai. Helen is equally comfortable grilling politicians and those from the business world as she is with celebrities.
Helen followed her father into journalism, working on regional newspapers and Fleet Street. Her break in television came when she was approached by Sky where she was a reporter and presenter, hosting live 24 hour news.
She was ITV’s U.S. correspondent based in New York for three years, during which time she covered the US presidential elections and she was the only British TV journalist to witness the twin towers come down in New York on September 11th. She spent the next year reporting on the terrorist threat.
Below: see Helen in action at a recent Hyundai car launch in Madrid…
She is an ambassador for Barnardo’s – Britain’s leading children’s charity – and also an ambassador for London’s Air Ambulance.
See Helen’s entertainment showreel below:
“There has been an amazing buzz in the office today. Everyone has been congratulating me on the conference. Thank you so much for fronting it again this year. Your professionalism, approachability and sense of humour has a lot to do with making it so successful.”
Ipek Yigit – Director of Global Communications, Gazprom Marketing & Trading
“In ten years of running Investor Allstars, Helen delivered the best performance to date displaying expert knowledge of the audience and sector, and controlling a confident and demanding crowd. She created a wonderful atmosphere.”
Manish Madhvani – Managing Partner, GP Bullhound