Pam Warren

Known to many as Paddington Train Crash survivor ‘The Lady in the Mask’, Pam Warren’s extraordinary experiences are so much more than that one incident.

Swanning from owning a multi-million turnover financial services company, surviving the crash with life-changing injuries, running a strategised UK-wide rail safety campaign (and winning), living with PTSD, and successfully rebuilding her life, she is the epitome of resilience and motivation.

Pam offers audiences, not just inspiration, but actual strategies to employ to overcome their own challenges. Her passion is to get everyone to fall in love with change.

“I listened to Pam’s talk and must say it was absolutely inspirational. It was really motivational – thank you”. – Innovus BMS

Contact Great British Speakers today to book Paddington Rail Crash survivor and inspirational speaker Pam Warren for your next event.

Type Of Presenter


The key thing that stood out from Pam’s talk was the different ways that you can look at potential obstacles, both in your working and personal life, and how you can have a coping mechanism to deal with whatever comes your way. In our working environment we have quite challenging targets. We know where we have to get to because we have to deliver on KPI’s that are given to us and very often it looks like a very daunting task. Pam’s talk on how to break these down into manageable chunks and focus on the end goal was great. Not thinking about what might be facing you right now but finding the ways around them or making new paths to your own goal. I would say that it is a very scalable message that can be applied to just about any environment. Whilst I was listening I wasn’t just thinking about my business life but my personal life too. I think Pam’s talk is highly relevant to everything in life.
Angus Murray, International Trade Advisor & Team Manager for International Trade

Pam’s story is quite remarkable. The amazing grit and determination Pam found within herself to overcome her challenges after the Paddington rail crash were truly inspirational. Her talk was incredibly moving not only because it connected on an emotional level, but her strategies for coping with change are useful and easily applied to day to day issues. Life is often unpredictable, and now more than ever we seem to be encountering change and turbulent times. My personal takeaway from Pam’s talk is that no matter what challenge presents itself, there is a strategy to cope with it.
Laurie Spicer, International Trade Adviser at Department for International Trade

An unforgettable account of an unforgettable crash. Pam Warren brings humanity to a bitter, life-changing experience.
Sir Trevor McDonald

All of us who travel by train owe Pam and her fellow survivors a debt of gratitude for their tenacity and dedication to improving rail safety.
Sir Roger Moore KBE

A story of success, courage, bravery and fortitude … she has triumphed over terrible adversity and come through.
Simon Weston OBE, Falklands War Veteran

We were treated to a masterclass by Pam — inspiring! The group left refreshed, inspired and ready for the challenges we face a head.
A.Downs, Uspire Group Commercial Director

She takes you on a journey. Pam is a lady on a mission. If you want your audience to sit up and think, but more than that, feel, Pam can do that and so much more.
PSA, South Aftrica

Pam’s speech is so strong and emotional. Pam is obsessed with the idea of everything changing for the better. You can’t give up – Pam is living proof of that!
Flytoget, Norway

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