Leon McKenzie

Leon McKenzie spent 18-years as a professional footballer and 4-years as a professional boxer, but his success wasn’t always easy and left Leon often feeling depressed. Having pulled himself away from this dark place, Leon now inspires audiences though his corporate keynote talks, via hosting events and through his social media. By sharing his own experiences it’s Leon’s end-goal to have a greater understanding of mental health concerns so he can help others overcome their battles.

To book sporting mental health speaker Leon McKenzie contact Great British Speakers 01753 439289

Type Of Presenter


I thought the talk given by Leon today was really good, especially when he talked about how you can’t always identify depression and other signs of mental health. This was the biggest message to take away as someone could be suffering in silence and we would never know. The talk itself was well presented. There was a point where I nearly teared up as it was emotional. I found the talk to be highly engaging, and there was a pin-drop silence in the room at times as Leon had really grasped everyone’s attention, he explained well and he was sincere in his speech.
Baker McKenzie Law Firm

Leon has got an incredible story and to be brave enough to get up on a stage like that and share it with a bunch of strangers is hugely commendable. I think he spoke really well, and it was a pleasure having him at the event this year.
Steven Scaffardi, AD:Tech London

This was a really great session, and he delivered so well. It is refreshing to see men admitting that it is OK to admit you are not OK, no matter who you are. This must not be easy to tell in front of an audience and all my credit to him, this is an achievement and even I do not know him or knew who he was, I am proud for him. I hope he gets a lot of positive feedback and thank him for sharing his touching story.
Baker McKenzie Law Firm

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