Guy Clapperton

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Guy Clapperton

Guy Clapperton, is a freelance journalist and speaker, offering top-business advice through media training and interview practice, writing and editing publications and facilitating events.

Guy Clapperton has been a technology and business journalist since January 1989, starting on the trade press and making his way into the nationals in 1993. You may have seen his work in the Guardian, Times, Sunday Telegraph, Observer, Independent and most recently the New Statesman (particularly as launch editor of New Statesman Tech).

Contact Great British Speakers today to book near futurist speaker Guy Clapperton for your next event.


Type Of Presenter


Guy has integrity and intelligence when it comes to hosting an event and a genuine desire to do everything he can to make it a success. He adopts an holistic approach and is more than happy to indulge the scrupulous points of detail any decent event organiser will have in their armoury. His relaxed style is underpinned by methodical research and attention to detail. He is a pleasure to work with.

– Tracy Bosanko, Bosanko Marketing Communications – Project Director SSF UK, Director of Marketing, Chartered Wealth Management and Board Member of Hospitality Action, 2015.

I have worked with Guy as moderator on two occasions, once for Bafta and once for the BBC. On both occasions he brought the technology and its implications to life for a non-technical audience, emphasising not only the opportunities but the managerial challenges they would have to face. Guy has a rare talent in that he is authoritative as well engaging as a moderator. He has a robust journalistic approach to his subject matter and marries this with a very personable on-stage manner.

– Lesley Jones, events producer, College of Production, BBC Academy

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  • SKY News Broadcaster
  • Live Events Host and Moderator
  • Experienced Conference Facilitator, Davos & UN
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  • Broadcaster/Presenter
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  • Auctioneer