Gardening presenter Carol Klein first appeared on the popular television show Gardener’s World in 1998. Initially only appearing in a guest feature, Carol soon became a regular guest presenter for the show and her expertise granted her two more shows for the BBC and Channel 4, Wild about the Garden and Real Gardens.
Her knowledge and skills have won her gold medals at Chelsea, Hampton Court, Westminster and Malvern flower shows.
In 2014, Carol presented Life in a Cottage Garden from her own home and published a book to accompany the series. She also took part in The Great British Garden Revival for the BBC, which won TV Broadcast of the Year and the Garden Media Guild Awards.
As well as being a successful author,-with her work Grow your own Veg, being a top 20 best seller with 200,000 copies sold worldwide,
She also has a double page spread in Garden News magazine and is a regular contributor to the Guardian and the Daily Telegraph. She has also had her work published in a number of magazines such as Gardener’s World, Garden Illustrated and English Garden and Horticulture.
Her most recent works include a new series of Gardener’s World and a four-part series, Plant Odysseys that broadcast on the BBC.
Carol Klein, plantswoman extraordinaire, brings her infectious enthusiasm for plants and their growers to Open Gardens’.