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We all know the feeling – Christmas is over and you’ve had one mince pie too many, and now you feel like it’s time for a bit of a health kick… and you’re not alone.
This January thousands of us will make resolutions to become healthier, making this a fantastic opportunity to boost employee wellness.
Or maybe you run a health business and wish to engage with more clients and run more health-based events this year, then booking one of our health and fitness speakers could be the answer…
Whether you’re interested in taking part in one of the big events like ‘Veganuary’ or ‘Dry January‘ – or simply wish to boost your own physical health or mental wellness, our speakers are available to hire for motivational, team building talks that will give you the drive to achieve any health and wellness goal in 2022.
Alex Staniforth is an adventurer who is no stranger to adversity. While battling his own mental health issues, Alex took to the outdoors and now encourages others to do the same. He is now a founding director of Mind Over Mountains, a charity to restore mental well-being and resilience through outdoor experiences.
Discover more about Alex Staniforth or contact us for more info or to book.
At age 2, Lauren Vaknine was diagnosed with juvenile rheumatoid arthritis and by 18 she was wheelchair-bound and riddled from head to toe with the debilitation condition. It was only later in her life that Lauren realised the only way to get better was to take her health into her own hands, so she set about learning everything she could about the body and how to heal naturally from the root cause. It worked – and she went into remission.
Discover more about Lauren Vaknine or contact us for more info or to book.
What are we really putting into our bodies? Well, Channel 4’s ‘Food Unwrapped journalist Kate Quilton could provide the answer. In 2017, Kate also filmed the feature-length documentary World’s Best Diet (channel 4), investigating where in the world you can find the healthiest diet, so if you’re after a presenter with a background in food and health, Kate is a great choice!
Discover more about Kate Quilton or contact us for more info or to book.
Having a good mental mindset is also about eating well too – Pixie Turner AKA ‘Plant-Based Pixie’ is a registered nutritionist (RNutr) and science communicator. She graduated with a First Class degree in Biochemistry and went on to complete a Masters in Nutrition with Distinction. She is the brains behind the brand – ‘Pixie Nutrition’ which aims to encourage a healthy relationship with food and debunk nutrition misinformation online. Pixie is a valuable speaker for events this Veganuary.
Discover more about Pixie Turner or contact us for more info or to book.
A well-known face on the foodie festival scene, TV chef Dean Edwards is the author of three cookbooks Cook Slow, Mincespiration and most recently released Feel-Good Family Food. Dean aims to help get everyone cooking well with budget-friendly, nutritious ingredients.
His recipes may not always be the healthiest on the menu, but Dean’s recipes are sure to inspire you to pick up your apron and get creative in the kitchen. Just check out this gorgeous Apple Tart!
Dean is also highly popular with our cruise ship clients having been re-booked many times travelling around the world, creating compelling cookery demos and chats for guests.
Discover more about Dean Edwards or contact us for more info or to book.
Lauren Windle is a journalist, author and public speaker specialising in addictions. Working as an event and marketing executive in the City during her early 20s, Lauren developed a cocaine habit that quickly spiralled into an addiction.
In 2014, Lauren got clean and sober and started to put her life back together. She now runs a recovery course for others who also struggle with unmanageable behaviours. The Recovery Course has seen many people recover from addictions to substances, food, gambling, sex, pornography and co-dependency, among others. The perfect motivational speaker for Dry January.
Discover more about Lauren Windle or contact us for more info or to book.
Tv Chef, botanist and author James Wong provides a few ridiculously easy tips to dramatically improve the nutritional value of everything you eat from fruit and veg to carbs and coffee, thanks to the miracle of kitchen chemistry – the perfect way to optimise your health this year with a few neat tricks!
James is a unique blend of explorer, anthropologist, gardener, and ethnobotanical adventurer. His passion brings a new sense of life to old ways of cooking, and his sense of adventure is infectious.
Discover more about James Wong or contact us for more info or to book.
How do you begin to describe the achievements of Lauren Mahon?
Lauren’s self-made female boss who took a devastating cancer diagnosis and; turned it into an online platform with a following of thousands, started a fundraising community that raises money for fellow cancer sufferers and created a successful merchandise company, all whilst also hosting her award-winning podcast, ‘You, Me & The Big C.’
Discover more about Lauren Mahon or contact us for more info or to book.
Growing up, Ben Smith wasn’t a runner. In fact, he wasn’t very sporty at all. Growing up, Ben suffered at the hands of bullies, picked on because of his weight and because he was gay. This hugely knocked his confidence and self-esteem. However, after suffering from a Transient Ischemic Attack (aka. an “incomplete stroke” at 29) Ben, who was 17 stone at the time, felt he needed to change the way he led his life for both his physical and mental health.
In 2015, Ben took on the incredible challenge of running 401 marathons in 401 days. Over the course of the challenge, he raised £330,000 for two anti-bullying charities. And from here the 401 Challenge was born.
Today, Ben is an inspirational keynote speaker who has delivered motivational talks to audiences all over the world, covering important issues of physical wellness, resilience, LGBTQ+ and mental wellbeing.
Discover more about Ben Smith or contact us for more info or to book.
Recently, Great British Speakers director sat down with Ben for an episode of ‘A Chat With…’ a series where we interview some of the most inspirational and motivational speakers on the circuit. Watch the interview here.
Back in March (2021), event host and radio presenter Roman Kemp hosted the hard-hitting documentary, Roman Kemp: Our Silent Emergency, which explored the growing concerns of mental health and suicide among young men. The documentary, which was highly praised, was a personal journey for Roman after his friend took his own life last year.
Discover more about Roman Kemp or contact us for more info or to book.
The hard-hitting truths in Roman’s documentary led us at Great British Speakers to dedicate a whole series of blogs around men’s wellness. These included; ‘Speaking up on Male Mental Health,’ ‘Losing Everything to Find Myself‘, with suicide awareness speaker Steve Carr and ‘Domestic Violence isn’t Gendered‘ with male domestic abuse survivor Andrew Pain.
Plus we also have ex-footballer turned professional mental health speaker Clarke Carlisle, who along with his wife Carrie delivering powerful, emotional, educational and inspiring speeches, which give an insight as to what it’s like to live with a mental illness and what it is like to live with someone with a mental illness.
Discover more about Clarke and Carrie Carlisle or contact us for more info or to book.
If you’d like to book any of our talents, for our Top 10 Health and Fitness speakers, virtually or live, do get in touch.
Alternatively, if you need help finding a speaker then email us on bookings@greatbritishtalent.com or speak with a member of the team, and we’ll happily help you with your search.
We look forward to helping you with your next project.