Clarke and Carrie Carlisle

Clarke and Carrie Carlisle are formidable mental health inspirational speakers.

On 22 December 2014, Clarke Carlisle was hit by a lorry on the A64 near York, and subsequently airlifted to Leeds General Infirmary having suffered cuts, bruises, internal bleeding, and many broken bones.

It has became one of the widest publicised suicide attempts of recent years, hitting the headlines across the UK.

It didn’t end there, long running mental health issues caused his first marriage to fail and a second attempt to take his own life followed in September 2017, he was reported missing, having last been seen earlier that day in Manchester city centre, though thankfully found safe in Liverpool.

And now, along with wife Carrie, Clarke and Carrie Carlisle discuss in a disarmingly open way both Clarke’s own struggles with mental health and talk about how this affects us all and those around us providing audiences with inspiring and actionable outcomes.

Clarke and Carrie Carlisle have been phenomenally successful at engaging with colleagues in all types or commercial and organisations over the past decade including many FTSE 100 companies.

To book Clarke and Carrie Carlisle for your mental health initiative contact Great British Speakers on 01753 439289

Type Of Presenter


“I feel much less isolated and able to talk about issues”​

E&Y attendee

“One hour after their talk, 3 members of staff contacted the HR team to arrange to see a counsellor”​

HR Department, Warner

“Their visit has touched us all and I feel like it has brought us closer together”


“Totally informative and inspiring”

Foreign & Commonwealth Office

“I cannot exaggerate how great an impact your talk had”

Senior Partner, Herbert Smith Freehills LLP

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