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Traditionally, it’s perceived that women were more likely to take on the daily responsibilities of childcare and running the home. But over the last few decades, there has been a gradual shift. Now, more women are choosing to focus on their careers – sometimes leaving childcare duties to fathers and/or childminders, and for some women, prioritizing their careers over having children at all.
Plus, with today’s hectic family lifestyles, the pressures women may face to juggle work, their health and the home are possibly more challenging now than ever before, leaving women feeling symptoms of stress and burnout.
This is why we’ve set the focus on women’s health here in our latest blog – to open up the discussions concerning women at work; to help female employees feel more comfortable discussing women’s health-related issues and so men too can develop a greater understanding of ”female issues” – in turn, they can also help their female colleagues (and perhaps their wives, daughters and sisters too!)
Our women’s health and wellness speakers are experts on the topics of all things regarding women’s health. From pregnancy to menopause, family relationships and mental health, all of our female speakers are renowned experts in their field, who can help your employees and/or audience feel more comfortable and confident when it comes to opening up about female health, especially in more male-oriented work environments where people may be less inclined to speak about women’s health issues.
We understand that the topic of women’s health is complex, so if you need help finding the perfect speaker for your educational talk, contact us to chat through your brief.
After a difficult experience finding accurate, evidence-based information to guide her through her own pregnancies and parenthood, Dr Brooke began sharing her own insights and tips around pregnancy, birth, fertility and menopause through social media and blog posts. Brooke’s evidence-based information has taken the internet by storm, smashing down taboos of previously reserved areas of medicine, such as women’s health. She is a brilliant contributor, public speaker, host, brand consultant and social influencer, and is on a mission to talk openly about women’s health and parenthood.
Read more about Dr Brooke Vadermolen.
In 2016 Lauren was diagnosed with breast cancer that ultimately changed her life. But since her diagnosis Lauren has achieved so much. Lauren became the host of the award-winning number one BBC 5 Live podcast ‘You, Me & The Big C’ hosted alongside the late ‘Bowel Babe’ herself Dame Deborah James. Lauren is an avid fundraiser for cancer charities and continues to support campaigns which help women to spot the signs and get checked should they have any concerns.
Visit our blog to read more about our specialist Cancer Awareness speakers who can help your audience and teams spot the signs and symptoms themselves and so they can help others too.
Natalie Silverman is passionate about fertility education and hosts The Fertility Podcast, the UK’s first podcast dedicated to supporting people struggling to conceive. Since its launch, Natalie has created over 300 episodes with more than half a million downloads and listeners in over 90 countries. The Fertility Podcast is always within the top 100 health podcasts globally and was the UK’s first dedicated voice on this topic. It has paved the way for other podcasts in the fertility space highlighting the need and desire for people struggling with infertility to be able to hear more from others going through the same.
Read more about Natalie Silverman.
Dr Nighat is a family GP specialising in women’s health, family planning and female health equality. As an outreach clinician, she often meets with doctors, nurses, community teams and residents to discuss the unmet health needs of the female BAME community who are less likely to engage with health professionals. She is also able to consult fluently with patients in Urdu and Punjabi, which has helped her to earn a great deal of trust from her community. A regular host of women’s workshops, Dr Nighat has spoken on many women’s issues – from female cancers to fertility and menopause.
Read more about Dr Nighat Arif.
Fun-loving Tv presenter Kay Crewdson turned her focus to women’s health after suffering from a miscarriage in 2017. Based on her own experience, Kay co-produced and presented the 2018 documentary “The Emptiness Within” the aim of opening up a conversation about miscarriage. The documentary, named after the feeling Kay had when she was told there was no heartbeat, contains honest, frank and graphic descriptions of what it’s like to go through losing a child before birth. Kay has since gone on to speak about miscarriage at health and wellbeing events as well as becoming Media Director for CRADLE; a new national charity that supports the NHS and parents who are receiving care during or following the loss of a child.
Read more about Kaye Crewdson.
TV Psychologist Anna Williamson is a passionate speaker on female mental health and wellbeing. Having recently hosted a talk on Post-natal depression for one of our Great British Speakers’ clients, Anna brings to the table personal anecdotes based on her own experiences of suffering from general anxiety to severe post-natal depression herself. Plus, as an ambassador for MIND and the host of two very successful podcasts; the parenting podcast Breaking Mum and Dad and LuAnna, a comedy current affairs show which she co-hosts with female influencer and entrepreneur Luisa Zissman – Anna is a popular speaker with a variety of speaking subjects to hand.
Read more about Anna Williamson.
After amassing an impressive YouTube following, Hannah is regarded as one of the UK’s leading young voices. She uses her unique blend of positivity, optimism and knowledge to talk about a range of topics including sex, relationships, feminism, body image, gender and sexuality. Hannah has also been open about suffering from Colitis. In early 2022, she announced her first pregnancy and documented the experience by looking at how she coped with pregnancy and living with a chronic illness.
Read more about Hannah Witton.
After experiencing the cot-death of her own son in 1991, TV presenter Anne Diamond has become an avid campaigner for raising awareness of the condition. Cot death: How Anne Diamond helped save thousands of babies – BBC News. Anne established the ‘Back to Sleep’ campaign to share with parents information on preventing cot death – information she did not have access to when her son passed.
Grace Victory is all about female body positivity and is an inspiration to thousands of young people. When she first began on the social media scene, she was one of the only mainstream fashion and beauty bloggers to cover mental health issues. Having suffered at the hands of bullying as a teen and dealt with very public issues, including anxiety, depression and body image, Grace has learnt to accept herself and her body. She now aims to help others do the same and regularly hosts inspirational meetings with young women to give advice, guidance and a chance to share each other’s stories.
In 2020, Grace suffered severely from Covid-19 and was placed into an induced coma for 3-months. During this time she was pregnant with her son who was born prematurely due to Covid complications. Since gaining back her health Grace has talked about being a first-time mum and has opened up about finding a new struggling with identity as a new mother.
Tv personality Scarlett Moffat has been very open about her battles with anxiety, body image and loneliness. Sharing her ‘regrets’ at releasing a fitness DVD in 2016, Scarlett now advocates healthy living and positivity when it comes to the way we look.
In 2022, Scarlett opened up about how she struggled with her mental health and loneliness during the Covid-Pandemic, revealing that she turned to Samaritans for help. She is now a Samaritan’s ambassador for the suicide prevention charity and hopes that by sharing her story, she can raise awareness and help others overcome their own mental health struggles, loneliness and depression.
Read more about Scarlett Moffat
Poorna is also an award-winning journalist and mental health advocate. In 2015, after a long battle with depression, Poorna’s husband Rob sadly took his own life. Poorna used writing as a way to make sense of her grief, and through this, wrote a ‘memoir-meets-journalism’ piece based on her experience, which she published in the hopes to help others going through similar experiences.
Poorna now works extensively across a range of areas, especially within the BAME community, with a focus on diversity, mental health and overall wellbeing concerns. She is also a popular speaker on imposter syndrome – how to tell the signs and the tools and techniques of managing it.
Professor Tanya Bryon is a consultant clinical psychologist specialising in child and adolescent mental health. She has an NHS career spanning twenty years working in many areas of mental health.
Alongside Claudia Winkleman, Tanya is the co-host of How Did We Get Here? an original podcast series in which Tanya and Claudia identify struggles faced by real-life parents and family members by inviting them to share their stories. With topics ranging from parental estrangement, gender identity, domestic violence, trauma, inheriting mental health issues, family dynamics after cancer and raising a severely disabled daughter, How Did We Get Here? is a passionate, insightful and moving experience with clear outcomes to each episode.
Read more about Professor Tanya Byron.
Liz McKeon is the founder of the International Salon Business School and an Ambassador for Shear Haven anti-domestic violence salon training, a programme designed to help stylists to recognise the signs of domestic violence and successfully navigate conversations with clients who may be in danger. Their aim is to train as many salons as possible to recognise the signs of domestic violence and to equip them with the skills to help women (and men) who are in violent relationships get to safety.
Bridgid Nzekwu is a former news broadcaster who has also presented segments for the topical healthcare show Embarrassing Bodies Live (Channel 4) and has written for the Sunday Times about her experiences of undergoing radical breast cancer surgery and treatment, having survived breast cancer twice.
Bridgid was also Channel 4’s ‘Money Reporter’ during the credit crunch and the early recession – receiving a Special Commendation at the 2008 Personal Finance Awards. She also hosted the educational series ‘Save Money’ for Teachers TV and fronted a live-streamed business guidance show for LloydsBanking Group. So if you’re stressed about finances, then Bridgid is also a brilliant speaker on the topic.
Read more about Bridgid Nzekwu.
Lauren Vaknine was diagnosed with juvenile rheumatoid arthritis at the age of 2, and by 18 she was wheelchair-bound and riddled from head to toe with the disease.
Lauren realised that the only way to get better was to take her healthcare into her own hands so she set about learning everything she could about the body and how to heal naturally from the root cause. It worked and she went into remission after 27 years of suffering from the chronic illness.
Today Lauren runs a women’s wellness course – The Recondition Your Life Academy – and delivers talks nationwide about how to use an holistic approach to relieve illness and modern-day stresses to achieve your optimum health goals. Her natural health and parenting-related articles have been published across multiple publications and she’s often invited to talk at wellness events – most recently being the Get Well Show in London. Read more about Lauren Vaknine.
View Lauren’s ‘back to work’ wellness guide – a collaboration she did with us a Great British Speakers’ to help our clients enter back into the workplace and stay healthy after covid-lockdown.
After a successful athletic career, Kelly turned to more charitable ventures, with the aim of helping young people with their sport and their mental wellbeing, and particularly to empower young women. She created an app titled ‘Elf at Work’ to help empower employees and support businesses to thrive.
In 2019, Kelly launched her own podcast What do I do? ‘Mental Health and Me’ – which offers listeners an honest and relatable insight into how some of the UK’s best-loved celebrities cope with their mental health.
She has also written books on health and fitness, including the parenting help book ‘Get Your Kids Fit: The Parent’s Guide to Healthy, Happy Active Kids (2007) and Running Life: Mindset, Fitness & Nutrition for Positive Wellbeing (2018) which won the Sports Health & Fitness Book of the Year Award for the Telegraph Sports Awards in 2019. During Pride Month – June 2022 – Kelly shared her ‘relief at coming out as gay.’ She hopes that her ‘coming out’ will inspire others who may also be struggling to be more open about their emotions and feel more confident with their own identity.
Hiring a professional Mental Health and Wellness Speaker is a great way to raise awareness about important health topics which may not only give comfort and inspire women who are struggling but can also save lives too!
To book a women’s health speaker for your next talk or event contact Jane Farnham and Steve Denison at [email protected] or call +44 1753 439 289 to speak to a member of the Great British Talent team. Contact Us.