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Jane has been an entertaining Speaker for years. Her parents said she was a perfect baby until she learned to talk – and she hasn’t stopped since. Jane is also the author of three books and an entrepreneur, keen to encourage others to Play Nicely in business – and other women to embark on business adventures to fulfil their potential.
She runs The English Cream Tea Company based in Essex, UK along with the famous ‘Scone Gnomes’ who freshly prepare and send out afternoon tea-related gifts worldwide.
They run The Secret Sconery events venue and tea room – and also gained the Guinness World Record for the largest tea party. Her company has their own range of teas, preserves and more.
Her background includes 20 years as a Communications Skills Trainer helping teams and individuals to connect and get on better.
You can find out more about Jane and her talks on her Bio page
Jane is more than qualified to create this Afternoon tea event for you – she is a Guinness World Record holder for the largest English Cream Tea Party – featured in the 2013 album. Plus, Jane has lectured and trained on etiquette and history in Fortnum and Mason’s and also international top hotels and establishments.
She also gives keynote talks to business conferences about transferring teatime etiquette into business harmony and customer care.
How do you like yours? This exercise gets the group finding out something unique about each other. Can even include bespoke tea blending from finest loose leaf ingredients.
Remembering to filter communication too. Learning to critique with kindness. Words to use, words not to use!
Learn how to sweeten the deal and provide added extras that delight.
Historically, a symbol of one-up-manship, now the sandwich platter represents sharing and inclusivity.
Consideration and working as a team. Is there a hierarchy in your team? Is your social structure working well?
Appreciating that your way is not the only way! Trying on other people’s perspectives!
Constructive praise and thanks creating motivation and energy in your whole team.
In the UK, Jane can provide a fun combination of Afternoon Tea and Etiquette Testing (to see if you are Palace ready!) for a great session of Team Building. In other countries, you’ll need to provide the Afternoon Tea!
* Better communication and rapport within teams, the company and with clients
* A desire to raise your game in terms of relationships and interaction
* Awareness of the effects of your actions and words on others
* More acts of kindness. More smiles!
* Engagement and staff retention