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Business TV journalist Nadira is currently a News Anchor and Correspondent for RT International, broadcasting mainly the Moscow studio. She presents and reports on international breaking news and generic news stories of the day.
Expert analysis from specialists and analysts is commonplace and Nadira is able to interview these subject matter experts to ensure that all angles are covered.
Nadira has covered Brexit, the Syrian conflict, world elections, disasters, the last World Cup and international politics, to name but a few.
Take a look at her new reel and see why she’s such a popular choice with our media producer and corporate clients…
You can also go to her full bio page HERE
Great British Presenters have a full team of qualified business TV journalists many of who have been broadcasting on the main TV channels for some considerable time such as the BBC, SKY, Bloomberg and Reuters.
They include names such as Clive Myrie, Christian Fraser, David Foster, Katie Pilbeam, Mark Barton, Susannah Streeter and Tim Wilcox
See a full list of them HERE
Our sister site Great British Speakers also has a number of respected broadcast names like Simon Jack, Michael Wilson, Gavin Esler, Emily Maitlis and Andrea Catherwood.